Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Finally, I made this blog...

Hello blog world!!
Alhamdulillah, that finally I made this blog. that's what I can say..
Actually, I had made two blogs before, but none of them had been managed well.
I write quite in regular, but I'm still inconsistent to manage a blog. So, I just put my writing in friendster blog (when fs was still popular at that time) and now, I put it on my facebook notes.
Now, I hope that I can manage this blog well and it will be a good, famous, and useful blog for me and everyone.

warm regards,

1 komentar:

SocialEducation mengatakan...

Assalamualaikum,mbak Shinta..
Trimakasih tulisannya ttg mengajar alphabet ini, saya jd terinspirasi. Karena saya terbiasa mengajar anak-anak, dan sekarang mengara private untuk ibu rumah tangga.. Semoga next bisa diskusi lebih lanjut sm mbak shinta ..

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